Friday, April 16, 2010


No real post. Just trying to remind myself that this thing exists. Am tired after a long week. First week on my new schedule, and though it's been manageable, it's still an adjustment, and a couple of my days are quite long. Highlights have included: attempting to engage a shy-in-any-language scientific professional in conversation (I hit jackpot when I asked him to explain the difference between diesel and petrol engines -no idea what he was talking about, but whatever the hell it was, it was in relatively grammatically correct English), and refereeing a group that includes an assertive and loquacious evangelically athiest person and a multiply degree-ed, religiously devout academic; who are both seemingly united in the common cause of talking about religion during class - I must desperately attempt to both redirect conversations and keep the rest of the group engaged. Or at least awake.

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